Group alerts

Efficiently send SMS to groups and others

In Stix Reach you have a simple to use solution for SMS-coomunication with rewards program members,internal groups and singular recipients. Start using the product and see how efficient SMS is as a means of commuincation.

Illustrasjon av Reach på forskjellige enheter

Group messaging

Enkel organisering

Easy organization

It is easy to organize recipients in groups, and members can have multiple memberships. There is no limit on recipient count.

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Planlagte utsendelser

Scheduled shipments

Queue messages to be dispatched at a specific time in the future, ensuring delivery exactly at the intended time.

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Sende SMS

Sending SMS

Send SMS messages to single recipients or groups with very few clicks needed.

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Import og eksport

Import and export

Reach supports import from and export to Excel and comma separated files.

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Save messages you send often as templates for later reuse. These can easily be retrieved and used when creating a new outgoing message.

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External signups

Through SMS an external user can sign themselves up for receiving messages from you.

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Illustrasjon av Reach Grupper

Easy organization

Reach lets you organize your members in groups the way you deem best for your company. Members can be placed in multiple groups simultaneously, avoiding the issue of duplicate members.

Illustrasjon av Reach Gruppeimport

Import and export

Members can easily be imported from Excel and comma separated files, and you can choose to export to the same format at a later time. This enables you to fetch members from e.g. a loyalty or customer relations system and further process them in Reach. During the import process you can choose to have the members automatically added to zero, one or multiple groups. This reduces the amount of work required to import and categorize members. Members can be added to groups directly from third party solutions using our API. Examples are HR-systems or webform for loyalty programs.


External signups

Using our systems you can activate options letting external users sign up for receiving messages from you. The perfect compliment for rewards and loyalty programs, plus companies with a large breadth of alert types that potentially will be sent.

Illustrasjon av Reach Utsendelse
Illustrasjon av Reach Utsendelse
Illustrasjon av planlagt utsendelse

Sending SMS

When preparing to send an SMS you can choose to send to single recipients or recipients listed in groups defined in the system. Long messages are also supported in Reach, which makes it possible to formulate clear and easy to understand messages. The dashboard shows the current status for all shipments being processed and you can easily identify users who have or have not received the messages you send.


If you often send similarly worded messages you can save a great deal of time by creating message templates. These can be selected when creating a new outgoing message. The text can be retrieved directly while creating a new message, without going back and forth between pages. Another positive aspect of using templates is the reduction of common spelling mistakes. When editing templates a history is preserved of who edited the message last, date and time for the change, as well as the content.

Scheduled shipments

Reach gives you the option of queueing messages ahead of time. It is easy to specify date and time, and the messages will be sent at that exact time. You can change the contents of the message, recipients and time to send at any time ahead of the specified time. This makes it easy for your organization to coordinate sending sms with other activities such as marketing campaigns or other activities happening in a set period of time

Reach out if you want a quote!

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